Who is Filch?

Filch has appeared just recently. No one knows who he is, where he came from, or where he’s going. He just doesn’t want to talk, but actually enjoys moon gazing and music. In fact, his being is defined by music. Without it, he might have a serious difficulty understanding his existence.

Filch always, comes and goes unnoticed, even the most meticulous observers can’t witness the moment of his entrance or leaving. The only thing we can be sure of, is that, Filch will only be here, when you can see the five guys, whose mutual wish is to create music, where the sound can paint the most deep emotions and life experiences. Only they hold the true story behind Filch, and is being told by fusing their instruments: Branko Saplamaev – keyboards, Darko Stojoski – guitar, Zlatko Andrijevski – guitar, Teodor Boshkov – bass, Gisho Dinev – drums

It’s about a group of musicians, who are playing together for a long time, and in these last two years they produce original music in this formation.

Disoriented yet aware, repulsive yet sexy, Filch will guide you through the everyday machinery called life. No need for words, no need for irrationally aroused senses. Like it or not, we are all Filch. Enjoy our instrumental stories as we try to paint our inner impressions of this wild world.

Filch loves you. All of you. Well, maybe not all of you.